Friday, August 9, 2019

Revelation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Revelation - Essay Example These mysteries although have been revealed by God in the bible, but still the human mind is too small to penetrate the truth inside it. These scriptures have not yet fully understood, as they consist of things which are beyond the ordinary work of the environment. Revelation is considered God’s direct words for mankind, through the Bible. Although it was prophesized by his chosen prophet, but this does not decrease the essence of revelation, it is God’s direct speech. Revelation according to Christian’s faith is â€Å"the truth which has come down from heaven†. God wanted to show His believers, His almighty power. He wants to reveal to the mankind the scripture of the thing which man himself may not be able to discover. The bible itself says that God wanted to show us things that are distinguished from all what we have discovered yet. It says: The inspiration was bestowed by God on His Chosen One, to writes all what God wants the world to know. God illuminated the mind of the writer and showed him all the events which will be occurring and are important for the believers to know. All these revelations given by God, was written down and is present in the Bible as its last book. Revelation the last book of the Holy Bible was written down by John the Apostle. He wrote the book in the last years of his life. God showed him vision, the vision of the spiritual world. God revealed the scriptures of the heaven to him. In the Book of revelation he wrote everything God illustrated him and the secrets of the mighty world that were exposed to him. Christianity is a one of the major religions of the world. It does not need the support of the theologians to study the God himself, but there is a need of the theologian to study the complicated scriptures revealed by God. God wants us to known the hidden meaning of the scripture. It is said in the bible, â€Å"the Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek Him, He will be found

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